

Fenwick Primary School acknowledges the importance of New Zealand’s dual heritage and the Treaty of Waitangi. Students identified as Maori on our roll represent approximately 12% of all students.

At Fenwick we strive to enable Māori students to achieve as Maori as well as give all students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of Māori. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to be part of their children’s learning and involvement at Fenwick.

Fenwick School tries to display artwork and other visual representations created by our students and others which reflects Māori heritage.

The culture and heritage of Māori is incorporated into the curriculum wherever possible.

Teachers endeavor to use te reo daily and also have specific lessons to develop their use and knowledge of te reo. Students encounter waiata either in the classroom or through school singing.

Fenwick School has a Kaupapa Māori group that all students from New Entrant to year 6 can join. They meet weekly and learn waiata, haka, waiata to ringa, rakau and poi throughout the year. They perform within the school and also for the public during the year. Staff lead the group but whanau are always welcome to share their knowledge.


Of the students enrolled at Fenwick Primary School approximately 12% identify with one or more of the Pacific islands close to New Zealand (Aotearoa). Pasifika students are valued at Fenwick, Teachers want to use the names that children use at home and to include aspects of their culture within their classrooms wherever possible. They want to include some language which students identify with within their classrooms.

We are constantly striving to build a strong relationship with our Pasifika families and to welcome families into the school and to be part of their children’s learning and involvement at Fenwick.


Out Of School Care and Recreation

Before school, after school and holiday care.

Venue - Fenwick School Hall

Hours: weekdays 7:30 am - 8:45am then 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Children picked up and dropped off to their schools

Holiday programmes: 7:30am - 5.45pm

For further information, please contact:

Phone: 021 156 5871



Our school and community swimming pool operates from November to March. Its heat pump keeps the water at a balmy 28 degrees regardless of the weather.

School families are able to hire a key from the office for the season. This allows access to the pool outside of school hours during the season.

Dental & health Nurse

All pupils are entitled to free dental care through the school dental service which is located at Oamaru North School.

Contact: 434 6170 

or 027 4791733

Health Nurse

The public health nurse visits school fortnightly and can be contacted via school to help with any health issues your child may have.

Other Services

Hearing and Vision Testing

A Vision Hearing Technician visits the school each term. If your child has not had a B4 School Check we will send home a consent form for you to sign and he/she will be tested. However, if you have a concern about your child’s eyes or ears at any time, please advise the office staff or classroom teacher and we can refer your child to the technician or our visiting health nurse. Vision testing is also carried out as part of our six-year net programme.

Other Welfare Organisations

We have access to most outside welfare organisations including Chaplaincy N.Z., Women’s Refuge, Southern District Health Board and Child Youth And Family.

The office can help with finding contact details.